Ascend Leadership | WHERE IS OUR TAX MONEY GOING? - The latest episode of THE PROBLEM WITH JON STEWART addresses the cost-of-living challenge in the USA.

(Season 2, Episode 2)
This “where is our money going” issue resonates with Australia and New Zealand, which emulate American democracy.
To paraphrase,
the USA way of life is a circumstance within which the few routinely exploit the many; to the disadvantage of the many.
If we want that disadvantage to change, we have decide; when is enough, too much?
The issue isn’t how much tax we are paying, it is where that tax is going.
Getting ‘there’, means USA would no longer have 50 million people living below the poverty line. APPROX. 10,000 + homeless people live on Skid Row, LA, USA.
Has fiscal governance become inhumane?
We won’t get ‘there’ without empathy, applied through consideration and care.
And since greater than forty percent of leaders exhibit sociopathic traits, empathy is unlikely to happen until the next generation takes over.
Wait, maybe that’s not true.
A purple haired U.S. Government Representative who appears on Jon Stewart’s latest episode is a beacon of hope, and may as well be a nineteen year old.
She is not.

Instead, we see an older, wise matriarch, who is possessed of bright-eyed intelligence and empathy.
Shining with radiance in the enthusiastic expression of ideas like equanimity.
Here there is no fakery.
House Committee on Appropriations Chair, Rosa DeLauro intends to fix things and restore the balance, and, she has the authority to do so.
DeLauro heads up a committee that challenges how the US taxpayer dollar is being spent. Holding lobbyists and industry accountable.
If you’re U.S based you may like to join the fight to restore humanity to governance through Watch a Preview of the POGO Channel on YouTube.